Support opportunities

Postcards & Posters

We will gladly send you our postcards and posters. Just tell us how many you need.

Supporting membership

From now on we are happy to welcome new supporting members to our association: Life in Thinking e.V. You can help us carry The Philosophy of Freedom further into the world.
As a sustaining member, you can actively participate or be a silent supporter; it depends on you. You will be invited to our general meetings and learn what is happening and how our adventure with The Philosophy of Freedom is developing. In addition, we want to offer regular exchange, practice and creative meetings in order to continue on the path together.
Each one of you enriches our association with your individuality and supports us in the great task of making The Philosophy of Freedom a path of schooling that connects people worldwide. We will gladly send you the current statutes of the association upon request.

The sponsor membership fee is 90 Euro per year. Depending on your possibilities and needs it can be lower or higher. The fee will be debited from your bank account once a year in February. You will receive only-for-members information via an e-mail distribution list.
Additionally there is the possibility of a trial membership. This membership is the same as the sustaining membership, but it ends automatically after 12 months and your membership fee will be debited only once.
If you have any questions about the sponsoring membership, please feel free to write to us at: Or call Elvira: 0049 (0) 7073-5090943.
Donations can be sent to us at any time, and simply marked as such in the purpose of your transfer. Or via our Betterplace appeal: For donations up to 300 Euro you don't need a proof for the tax office. The transfer proof of the donor is sufficient. For higher donations we will gladly issue a so-called donation receipt upon request.

We are looking forward to working with you!              

Financial contributions

A great deal of commitment and volunteer work goes into building up the Annual Training. Starting with the 5th cycle, we will also finance several part-time project positions in order to give the worldwide impulse of The Philosophy of Freedom a solid basis. We would be very happy if you would also support us financially.

You can send us a tax-deductible donation directly or donate to us at BETTERPLACE.


GLS-Bank: DE46 4306 0967 1254 3002 00


Spread the word about us

Here you can download information material about The Philosophy of Freedom annual training. 

What Participants Say About the Annual Training....

"I get excited about working with the thought-cards every day and noticing how what is so intangible and incomprehensible to me at the beginning of the week, brightens, clarifies or becomes graspable."

"I experience the cards as a great enrichment. With them I can deepen the essentials, which is much harder for me with the book text. I am grateful for Andreas‘ suggestions, incl. the letter with the texts and the references to today, as well as the eurythmy. I was touched by the awareness that people from all over the world were participating.

"I am grateful for everything, but especially that I am becoming more courageous in freeing myself from learned ideas and to ask myself: What do I really want?"

Life in Thinking e.V.

GLS-Bank: DE46 4306 0967 1254 3002 00


Life in Thinking e.V.

GLS-Bank: DE46 4306 0967 1254 3002 00

Life in Thinking e.V.

GLS-Bank: DE46 4306 0967 1254 3002 00

© 2021 – 2023 Jahrestraining

Specialist in visceral surgery
GAÄD anthroposophic physician
Chief resident physician, Centre for Integrative Oncology, Filderklinik
Scientific assistant at the University Hospital Tübingen
Various lecturing activities

 "...They know no other 'ought‘ than that with which their own willing is intuitively in harmony..." (R. Steiner)